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Setting the time, date, and ‘N’ number?

August 17, 2012 by Craig Peyton

1. Go to pilot program mode (Hold both buttons to see PROGRAM).
2.Tap STEP until you see DUMP? N.
3. Hold both buttons until you see RCRD TIME 6. Tap the LF to change recording rate.
4. Tap STEP and you will see MNTH. Use the LF button to change.
5. Tap STEP to set DAY, LF to change.
6. Repeat for YEAR, HOUR, MIN.
7. Tap STEP and see aircraft N number, or EDM serial number.
8. To change or add N number, hold both buttons until the first character flashes, use LF to change. Tap STEP to move to the next character. LF to change. To exit, hold both buttons down until you see END Y.
9. Tap STEP to exit.

** If your EDM is 5+ years old, and while doing the above you see the word “FAST? N”, change the “N” to “Y” for yes. This will change your EDM’s buad rate to 19,200. This is needed with the newer downloading software – EzTrends.